We are your GPs.
To be able to treat you safely, we need protective gear.
When we run out of the little we have, we look like this:
We couln´t prepare.
To be true: you couldn´t prepare for this.
We are all vulnerable.
Medical practices need more support from politics.
We want to be there for you:
-in case you really need us
-if you have a serious illness/disease
-if there is an increase of Covid-19 cases
-especially if you feel too ill to leave your house and we have to visit you in your home
In the practice,
in your home,
in nursing homes
Who are we?
We are professionals in our field: Primary care.
We as GPs treat most of the Covid-19 cases very successful on an outpatient basis.
We prevent infection whereever possible.
We are on the first line.
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